FCDL Comment:
MR1:The funding request amount was reduced from $7,180.80; $399.20; $9,369.80; $548.90; $62,092.50; $96,852.50; $870.20; $826.50; $6,057.00; $2,656.00; $48.00; $180.60; $252.00 to $6,283.20; $349.30; $7,666.20; $499.00; $45,291.00; $61,170.00; $870.20; $826.50; $6,057.00; $2,656.00; $48.00; $180.60; $252.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity: 17018932-Elementary School #43||MR2:The Product Type for FRN Line Item 1999014170.002 and 1999014170.004 was modified from Cabling to Access Point to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The type of product for FRN Line Item1999014170.009 was modified from Switch to Module to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The type of product for FRN Line Item 1999014170.012 and 1999014170.013 was modified from Cabling to Connectors to agree with the applicant documentation.