FCDL Comment:
DR1:FCC Rules require applicants to evaluate the cost effectiveness of all bids received and to choose the most cost effective solution. Documentation provided failed to demonstrate that the selected solution Dark Fiber (with Special Construction), provided by Netsync Network Solutions is the most cost effective option in comparison to Self-Provisioned by Infinity Connections, Inc based on the vendor responses to the FCC Form 470 associated with this FRN. This FRN is denied as the applicant did not select the most cost effective solution. ||DR2:FCC Rules require applicants to select a cost effective fiber solution. The special construction charges related to this FRN have been deemed as outside of the expected industry range of special construction charges. This FRN is denied due to an overall Cost Effectiveness Review that determined that the request’s cost was not reasonable.||MR1:Per FCC Order 14-189, to prevent warehousing of excess fiber capacity, applicants cannot receive E-rate funding for recurring costs associated with dark fiber until it is lit, and applicants may only receive funding for special construction charges for dark fiber if it is lit within the same funding year. The amount of the funding request was changed from $168,000.00 to $166,275.34 to remove the ineligible excess fiber capacity.||MR2:The Total strands for FRN Line Item 001 was modified from 12 to 48 to agree with the applicant documentation.