FCDL Comment:
MR1:This FRN is for both Data Transmission and/or Internet Access and Voice Services service types. According to the FCC Order 14-99, all Voice Services are subject to a phase down of support beginning in Funding Year 2015. Therefore, in order to reflect the Voice Services phase down and to conduct independent reviews of these respective services, this FRN was split. The new Voice Services FRN at the reduced discount rate of 50 % is 1699069635.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $59,247.54 to $47,196.60 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): voice charges split from FRN & VPN - advanced managed router charge;VPN Cisco Router Charge;VPN IP Multicase Charge;VPN Quality of Service Charge; toll free access; DMZ Management;Managed Network Security CPE Premium MNS CPE 1000.