FCDL Comment:
MR1:This is a new FRN. It was split from FRN 1999050286. The new FRN reflects Contract Expiration Date as 09/30/2019. ||MR2:FRN Line Item # 1999078198.001 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes is 1999078198.003 for the amount of $572.91. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $6,547.50.||MR3:FRN Line Item # 1999078198.002 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes is 1999078198.004 for the amount of $1,018.50. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $11,640.00.