FCDL Comment:
MR1:The funding request amount for FRN line item 1999025273.001 was modified from $31,482.36; $20,988.24 and for FRN line item 1999025273.002 was modified from $36,501.00 to $14,600.40 to remove the cost associated with Douglas City School BEN 112328 from line item 1999025273.001 and Junction City School BEN 112360, Los Robles High School BEN 17013001, Belridge Elementary School BEN 106576 from line item 1999025273.002. ||MR2:Based on the applicant’s request, Douglas City School BEN 112328 has been removed from the Recipients of Service of line item 1999025273.001 and Junction City School BEN 112360, Los Robles High School BEN 17013001, Belridge Elementary School BEN 106576 has been removed from the Recipients of Service of line item 1999025273.002.