FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Line Item Cost for FRN Line Item .001 was modified from a monthly charge of $7,525.19 to a monthly charge of $6,250 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:FRN Line Item .002 for Taxes and Fees for a monthly charge of $1,275.19 was added to this FRN to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The Recipients of Service for all FRN Line Items were modified to remove 16065087 - King Chavez High School 1010 (Upper Academy), 221543 - YUCAIPA HIGH COUNTY SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOOL, 104537 - EDWARD WENZLAFF ELEM SCHOOL, 100944 - LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 100952 - VANGUARD MIDDLE SCHOOL, 101076 - CHESTER ADULT SCHOOL, 17017824 - District Annex and 16040628 – PALM CANYON CONTINUATION HIGH SCHOOL.