FCDL Comment:
MR1:FRN Line Item # 001 was for both Fiber Ethernet Circuit and Taxes and USF Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and USF Fees is 002 for the amount of $65.10. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is a Fiber Ethernet Circuit for the amount of $6,575.10.||MR2:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 001 and 002 was modified to remove Allen Preschool (17013557), ALMADEN HEAD START (16038842), CANYON OAKS YOUTH CENTER (16051814), CHILDREN'S LEARNING CENTER (108470), CONNECT EAST SPECIAL EDUCATION (16061529), FOOD PRODUCTION CENTER (16048726), MIDROSE HIGH CONTINUATION SCHOOL (16048971), OYA Conxion (17012380), PARKWAY STATE PRESCHOOL (16038905), SARATOGA SUB ACUTE SPECIAL EDUCATION (16061603), STIPE STATE PRESCHOOL (16080686), HOME AND HOSPITAL (203161), EDGE PROGRAM (235315), FRANKLIN 1 HEAD START (16038852), FRANKLIN HOUSE HEAD START (16038855), MILPITAS HEAD START (16038876), RAINBOW HEAD START (16038884), ROSE HEAD START (16038885), SNELL HEAD START (16059660), STORY ROAD HEAD START (16038897), and GLENN COUNTY JUVENILE COURT SCHOOL (232054).