FCDL Comment:
MR1:Per FCC Order 14-189, to prevent warehousing of excess fiber capacity, applicants may only receive funding for special construction charges for Lit Fiber or Leased Dark Fiber if it is lit within the same funding year. If excess strands are being installed that will not be lit during the current FY and will remain dormant until lit for the applicant’s exclusive future use; the applicant must provide a cost allocation for the cost of the unlit strands. The amount of the funding request was changed from $32,865.00 to $29,379.11 to remove $3,485.89 associated with ineligible excess fiber capacity.||MR2:The total project plant route feet was modified from 1 to 3792 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The average cost per foot was modified from $1.00 to $10.53 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The total strands was modified from 2 to 24 to agree with the applicant documentation||MR5:Applicants that seek E-rate support for special construction of broadband connections may be eligible for an additional discount to match state, Tribal government, or other federal agency funding for special construction charges. If the special construction of the broadband connections meets the FCC’s long-term connectivity goals (scalable 10Gbps per 1000 students), the applicants may be eligible for up to an additional 10% discount to match state funding on a one-to-one dollar basis (not to exceed 100%). During the Fiber Review, the “Special Construction State/Tribal Match Percentage” was modified from 0% to 6.44% based on the review of third-party data. The match was recalculated and the “Special Construction State/Tribal Match Discount Rate” for this FRN was modified from 60% to 66.44%.