FCDL Comment:
MR1:The funding request was modified to remove line item 1999006346.004, 1999006346.005, and 1999006346.007, and modify monthly quantity for line item 1999006346.003 from 5 to 4 at applicant's request. ||MR2:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.001 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.012 for the amount of $317.16 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $1,317.12 monthly recurring cost.||MR3:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.002 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.013 for the amount of $158.58 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $658.56 monthly recurring cost.||MR4:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.003 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.014 for the amount of $453.28 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $1,882.32 monthly recurring cost.||MR5:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.006 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.015 for the amount of $113.32 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $470.58 monthly recurring cost.||MR6:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.008 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.016 for the amount of $195.77 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $813.00 monthly recurring cost.||MR7:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.009 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.017 for the amount of $593.34 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $2,464.00 monthly recurring cost.||MR8:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.010 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.018 for the amount of $195.77 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $813.00 monthly recurring cost.||MR9:FRN Line Item # 1999006346.011 was for both Fiber Ethernet and Taxes and Fees and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Taxes and Fees is 1999006346.019 for the amount of $296.67 monthly recurring cost. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item is Fiber Ethernet for the amount of $1,232.00 monthly recurring cost.