FCDL Comment:
MR1:In consultation with the applicant, 16074037 QUINCY PRESCHOOL has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR2:In consultation with the applicant, 16023594 BIGGS SECONDARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR3:In consultation with the applicant, 203472 Alta Mesa Childrens Center (SCOE) has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR4:In consultation with the applicant, 203473 Anderson Heights State Preschool has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR5:In consultation with the applicant, 203494 SHASTA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION-SITE MAINTENANCE SHOP has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR6:In consultation with the applicant, 203519 Shasta College Early Childhood Education Center has been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.||MR7:In consultation with the applicant, 111169 BAR-O BOYS RANCH SCHOOL have been removed from FRN 2099030894.001 and 2099030894.002.