FCDL Comment:
MR1:Based on the applicant’s request, 16071380- MISSION ACHIEVEMENT AND SUCCESS CHARTER SCHOOL has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN line 1999009517.002, 1999009517.003, 1999009517.004 and 1999009517.005 Product and Service Details and the One-time Eligible Cost of the lines was changed to $0 for lines 2, 4 and 5 and from $21,779.70 to $725.99 for line 3; entity’s Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity in the following amounts:line 3 for $725.99 was changed to entity 17015907- MAS II.||MR2:Based on the applicant’s request, 17015907- MAS II has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN line 1999009517.001 Product and Service Details and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $84,930.00 to $42,465.00.||MR3:Based on the applicant’s request, 16071380- MISSION ACHIEVEMENT AND SUCCESS CHARTER SCHOOL has been reduced from the Recipients of Service on the FRN line 1999009517.001 Product and Service Details and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $42,465.00 to $35,966.75.