FCDL Comment:
MR1:The funding request amount was reduced from $93,500.00; $6,375.00; $29,700.00; $7,500.00 to $55,000.00; $3,750.00; $29,205.00; $7,375.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity:17012879 Eleanor McMain Secondary School.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $3,000.00 to $0.00 to remove the ineligible product : License; the ineligible use of License; the ineligible entity: Eleanor McMain Secondary School.||MR3:Based on the applicant's request, the One-time Eligible Cost of the FRN line item 1999068928.001 Product and Service Detail was changed from $55,000.00 to $60,500.00.