FCDL Comment:
MR1:FRN modified in accordance with a RAL request.||MR2:The FRN was modified from $2,061.30 monthly & $0.00 one-time to $3,055.00 monthly & $1,000.00 one-time to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The amount of the funding request was changed from $1,000.00 one-time to $670.00 one-time to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): ISR4451-S-SEC/K9 router, $330.00.||MR4:In consultation with the applicant, the service provider has been changed to mindSHIFT Technologies, SPIN number 143031652.||MR5:The Contract Award Date was changed from 3/1/2019 to 3/26/2019 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471.