FCDL Comment:
MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $536.31; $646.40; $4,638.78; $65.80; $49.20; $4,085.37; $5,424.72; $4,485.62; $1,267.75 to $536.31; $646.40; $4,638.78; $65.80; $49.20; $4,085.37; $5,424.72; $3,050.22; $1,267.75 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): Line .008 Cost allocation for 32% Ineligible portion of SonicWall Firewall Service/Component 01-SSC-3853 of $1,435.40.||MR2:The Type of Internal Connection/Type of Product for FRN Line Item 1699109899.006 was modified from “Cabling/Connectors”/”Cabling” to “Miscellaneous”/”Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration” to agree with the applicant documentation.