FCDL Comment:
DR1:The Category Two budget for BEN 16050141; 16068394; and 16084392 is $62,155.15; $87,631.08; and $68,447.40, respectively. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16050141; 16068394; and 16084392 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $183,846.41; $181,123.06; and $186,954.42, respectively. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||MR1:This is a new FRN. It was created in order to change the service type requested on FRN 1799081482 from Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections to Internal Connections in accordance with Program rules.||MR2:The FRN was modified from $182,156.40 to $151,496.40 to agree with the applicant documentation.