FCDL Comment:
DR1:The Category Two budget for BEN 16050141 is $59,850.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16050141 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $59,530.43. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||DR2:The Category Two budget for BEN 16074252 is $45,600.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16074252 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $72,459.71. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||DR3:The Category Two budget for BEN 16074253 is $63,150.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16074253 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $70,202.64. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||DR4:The Category Two budget for BEN 16084392 is $9,200.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16084392 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $172,871.99. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||DR5:The Category Two budget for BEN 17006988 is $9,200.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 17006988 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $35,090.60. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||DR6:The Category Two budget for BEN 16068394 is $85,050.00. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 16068394 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $62,580.44. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget.||MR1:FRN modified in accordance with a RAL request.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $391,351.58 to $367,671.68 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): 24 AP9631 network management cards ($10,658.64) and the ineligible portion of 3 CON-SNT-A25FPK9 SmartNET (81% eligible, 1 of 5 years) ($13,021.26).