FCDL Comment:
MR1: The category of service was changed from Internet Access to Internal Connections in accordance with Program rules. <><><><><> DR1: Applicant failed to certify who prepared the responses to the Selective Review Information Request (SRIR) by not completing the SRIR Completion Certification. Therefore, the Administrator cannot verify that the applicant takes full responsibility for the responses. <><><><><> DR2: During application review, you were asked to demonstrate that you had secured access to the funds needed to pay your portion of the eligible charges. The documentation submitted shows that you did not secure the applicant portion needed for the funding request. <><><><><> DR3: Documentation indicates that you did not have a written Technology Plan at the time the Form 470 was filed. FCC rules require applicants to have a written technology plan at the time the Form 470 is filed, if they are seeking discounts for more than basic wireless and wireline telecommunications services. The technology plan must also cover the funding year during which discounted services are being requested. <><><><><> DR4: FCC Rules require that a contract be signed and dated by the applicant prior to the filing of the Form 471 for the products/services requested. This requirement was not met. <><><><><> DR5: Applicant has not provided sufficient documentation needed to determine the eligibility of the following item(s): FCC RN# Verification, and Verification of zero dollars for Item 25d on the Form 471.