FCDL Comment:
MR1:FRN Line Item # 001 was for both Access Point and Installation and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Installation is 012 for the amount of $16,200.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Access Point for the amount of $122,040.00.||MR2:FRN Line Item #004 was for both Switch and Installation and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Installation is 013 for the amount of $630.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Switch for the amount of $6,153.00.||MR3:FRN Line Item # 005 was for both Switch J9821A and Switch J9829A and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Switch J9829A is 014 for the amount of $3,174.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Switch J9821A for the amount of $3,048.00.||MR4:FRN Line Item # 005 was for both Switch J9821A and Installation and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Installation is 015 for the amount of $1095.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is Switch J9821A for the amount of $3,048.00.||MR5:The Type of Product for FRN Line Item 009 was modified from Connectors to Cabling to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR6:The Type of Internal Connection for FRN Line Item 010 was modified from Cabling/Connectors to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:The Type of Product for FRN Line Item 010 was modified from Connectors to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.