FCDL Comment:
MR1:RCS at Central Florida has been removed from the FRN as a recipients of service at the request of the applicant.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $192,380.10 to $128,253.40 to remove the ineligible entity: 17015844 RCS at Central Florida.||MR3:FRN Line Item # 1899074066.001 was for both JL001A switches and other equipment and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for J9990A is 1899074066.002 for the amount of $7,918.02; FRN Line Item # for J9986A is 1899074066.003 for the amount of $11,876.70; FRN Line Item # for J9829A#ABA is 1899074066.004 for the amount of $6,489.12; FRN Line Item # for CUSA-AC-RS-AT-BNDL-01 is 1899074066.005 for the amount of $1,404.40; FRN Line Item # for MPU1016DAC-001 is 1899074066.006 for the amount of $6,328.80; FRN Line Item # for MPUIQ-VMCHS is 1899074066.007 for the amount of $1,875.20; FRN Line Item # for MPUIQ-SRL is 1899074066.008 for the amount of $1,036.72; FRN Line Item # for UPD-AM is 1899074066.009 for the amount of $94.18; FRN Line Item # for LRA185KMM-001 is 1899074066.010 for the amount of $1,558.66; FRN Line Item # for CUSA-AC-RS-AT-BNDL-01 is 1899074066.011 for the amount of $702.20; FRN Line Item # for AH-ERATE-NGCS-5YR-250-FCC is 1899074066.012 for the amount of $52,156.80; FRN Line Item # for AH-ERATE-NGCS-5YR-550-FCC is 1899074066.013 for the amount of $2,998.08; FRN Line Item # for AH-ERATE-NGCS-5YR-1130-FCC is 1899074066.014 for the amount of $5.996.16; FRN Line Item # for AH-ACC-OINJ-30W is 1899074066.015 for the amount of $1,703.92; FRN Line Item # for AH-ACC-1130-ANT-KIT is 1899074066.016 for the amount of $682.96; and FRN Line Item # for CUSA-INS-AT-BNDL-01 is 1899074066.017 for the amount of $4,352.40. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is JL001A for the amount of $21,079.08.