FCDL Comment:
MR1: The FRN was modified from $224000.00 to $81650.00 to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR2: The amount of the funding request was changed from $81650.00 to $64950.00 to remove: the ineligible products Total Access 908e Echo Cancellation Card $100.00, AC Surge Protector $300.00, Installation and Programming $200.00, Software Assurance $3240.00, Warranties $2600.00, Supplemental Remote $7200.00, Software Assurance (Emmerich, TC Hower $135.00) $270.00, Software Assurance (Emmerich, TC Howe, Emma $720.00) $2160.00, Phone Support Response (Emmerich, TC Howe, Emma $210.00) $630.00.