FCDL Comment:
MR1: On your FCC Form 471, it was indicated the products and services are being provided on a month-to-month arrangement. On 12/01/2015, you provided a contract dated 03/11/2015. Based on this information, USAC has modified the FRN to indicate that these are contractual products and services rather than month-to-month services. This FRN has been changed to reference Contract Award Date of 03/11/2015 and Contract Expiration Date of 06/30/2016. <><><><><> MR2: Based on the applicant's request, the One-time Eligible Cost of the FRN's Item 21 was changed from $307,280.20 to $127,364.41. <><><><><> MR3: The amount of the funding request was changed from $127,364.41 to $125,916.01 to remove: the un-posted requested for APC 1 Year Warranty Service Pack ($1,448.40). <><><><><> MR4: DESERT SANDS CAMPTON 16075689 was determined to be a non-instructional facility that is eligible for Category Two funding. Per FCC 14-99, when applying for Category Two support for eligible services to a non-instructional facility, the applicant must allocate the cost of providing services to one or more of the eligible school or library buildings that benefit from those services being provided. Since NIFs are not eligible for Category Two budget in their own right, "Total Number of Students Full or Part Time" for DESERT SANDS CAMPTON 16075689 was changed to 0 and the "Total Number of Students Full or Part Time" for BEN that the NIF supports DESERT SANDS CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL 16050671 was changed to 1,933 to include the sum of its full and part time students. Additionally, your Item 21 Line Items for FRN 2768258 was modified to remove the cost for Category Two funding from the NIF DESERT SANDS CAMPTON 16075689 and this cost has been added to the Cost Allocation amount of the main entity that the NIF supports DESERT SANDS CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL 16050671.