FCDL Comment:
MR1: The amount of the funding request was changed from $14,100.50/month to $13,225.50/month to remove: the two ineligible entities Buena Vista Early HS and Ted Fisher Kitchen on vendor doc. <><><><><> MR2: The Contract Award Date was changed from 03/10/2012 to 02/10/2012 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471. <><><><><> MR3: FRN#2323103 contains both Priority One and Priority Two services and was split in order to conduct an independent review of these respective services. The new FRN for Priority Two services is 2396261 and the service provider is U.S. TelePacific #143020136. The services remaining in the FRN are 1 6-Mbps, 1 4.5-Mbps, 23 1.544-Mbps connections and bonding charges. <><><><><> MR4: The FRN was modified from 13,225.50/month to $12,250.50/month to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR5: The amount of the funding request was changed from $12,250.50/month to $11,852/month to remove: the ineligible entity closed Tustin Family Center Head Start #16057797 @ $398.50/month.