FCDL Comment:
MR1: Per Program rules, closed entities are not eligible for funding. The following closed entities were removed from Block 4 of the FCC Form 471 application: NHCAC GUTTENBERG HS - BEN 16060400 and NHCAC ST JOHN'S HS - BEN 16060405. The student counts associated with the closed entity(ies) have been removed from the application. <><><><><> DR1: No contract was in place when the FCC Form 471 Certification was filed. FCC Rules require that a contract be signed and dated by the applicant prior to the filing of the FCC Form 471 Certification for the products and services requested. <><><><><> DR2: Applicant has not provided sufficient documentation needed to determine the eligibility of the following item(s): contract, establishing FCC Form 470, correct Contract Award Date, make/model of equipment, product/service being requested, cost-allocations for ineligible services and entities.