FCDL Comment:
MR1:Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections FRN was modified from non-recurring charges to recurring charges as required by FCC Rules.||MR2:AURELIA QUINTERO LABOY 154811, JARDINES DE CAGUAS 206624, RAFAEL ESPARRA CARTAGENA 218030, PORFIRIO CRUZ GARCIA 180514, JOSE G PADILLA 180616, ELADIO J VEGA 206774, ESCUELA ANGEL RAMOS 218429, and JORGE WASHINGTON II 206303 has been removed at the request of the applicant. ||MR3:The funding request was modified from $2,668,087.92 to $2,638,359.60 to remove the cost associated with these entities. ||MR4:The amount of the funding request was changed from $2,638,359.92 to $2,562,619.92 to remove VoIP and Server Maintenance the ineligible product(s) or service(s).||MR5:The funding request amount was reduced from $$2,562,619.92 to $2,557,619.28 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): COTTO (ANEXO) 206272, PRE VOCACIONAL CASIANO CEPEDA 20641, AVELINO PENA REYES 218040 and JUAN MOREL CAMPOS (MUSICA) 16034695.