FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Contract Expiration Date was changed from 02/28/2021 to 03/31/2021 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471.||MR2:Based on the applicant’s request, South Richmond High School I.S./P.S. 25-10366; P.S. 011 HIGHBRIDGE-10424; SCHOOL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-11694 has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN’s Product and Service Details and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $2,889,166.42 to $2,730,192.92. ||MR3:Based on the applicant's request, 9817 - P.S. M094 has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN's Product and Service Details and the entity's Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity(ies) in the following amounts: 17017246 - The Judith S. Kaye H.S. $4,469.52||MR4:Based on the applicant's request, 9813 - CHELSEA PREP has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN's Product and Service Details and the entity's Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity: 16083059 - WALTON YABC||MR5:The funding request amount was reduced from $2,730,192.92 to $2,508,489.56 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): 9870 P.S. 234 INDEPENDENCE SCHOOL ; 10364 P.S. 003 THE MARGARET GIOIOSA SCHOOL; 10475 P.S. 168; 10702 P.S. 051 BRONX NEW SCHOOL; 11535 P.S. 181 BROOKLYN; 11622 P.S. 045 HORACE E. GREENE; 11649 P.S. 273 WORTMAN ; 12130 J.H.S. 078 ROY H. MANN12428 P.S. 128 THE LORRAINE TUZZO, JUNIPER VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL12487 P.S. 099 KEW GARDENS ; 12866 P.S. 043; 187822 P.S. M811 - MICKEY MANTLE SCHOOL; 16022820 P.S. 239 ; 16044589 NORTH QUEENS COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL; 16048758 BROOKLYN HIGH SCHOOL FOR LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNITY SERVICE