FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Contract Expiration Date was changed from 06/30/2021 to 02/28/2021 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471.||MR2:BEN 16073609 COMMUNITY HEALTH ACADEMY OF THE HEIGHTS - M233 was determined to be a secondary location of BEN 16038386 Community Health Academy Of The Heights during the review of your member entity and the entities are considered part of a single school per State law. Your Item 21 Line Items for on this FRN was modified to remove the cost for Category Two funding from the secondary locations 16073609 and this cost was added to the Cost Allocation amount of the associated main location 16038386. ||MR3:BEN 16073601 P.S. M226 - M380, 16073602 P.S. M226 - M875, and 16073605 P.S. M226 - MAMX was determined to be a secondary location of BEN 9860 P.S. M226 during the review of your member entity and the entities are considered part of a single school per State law. Your Item 21 Line Items for on this FRN was modified to remove the cost for Category Two funding from the secondary locations 16073601, 16073602, 16073605 and this cost was added to the Cost Allocation amount of the associated main location 9860. ||MR4:BEN 16073620 P.S. 009 - Q882 was determined to be a secondary location of BEN 12423 P.S.009 during the review of your member entity and the entities are considered part of a single school per State law. Your Item 21 Line Items for on this FRN was modified to remove the cost for Category Two funding from the secondary locations 16073620 and this cost was added to the Cost Allocation amount of the associated main location 12423.