FCDL Comment:
MR1: The dollars requested were reduced to remove the ineligible: CE-565A-144GB-K9 (25% ineligible) for $1,950.00 per month; CE-565A-72GB-K9 (25% ineligible) for $83.42 per month; CE-566-144GB-K9 (25% ineligible) for $1,466.40 per month; CE-590 (25% ineligible) for $16,121.34 per month; CP-7945/7960/7961/7970 phones for $49.88 per month; PIX-525-FO-BUN for $59.80 per month; WAE-611 and 612 for $1,784.13 per month; WS-SVC-NAM for $12,694.80 per month. <><><><><> MR2: The FRN was modified from $436,644.37 per month to $402,434.60 per month to agree with the applicant documentation.