FCDL Comment:
MR1: Based on the applicant's request, the Monthly Recurring Eligible Cost of the FRN's Item 21 was changed from $600.00 to $450.00. <><><><><> MR2: The FRN was modified from $450.00 to $449.79 to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR3: The amount of the funding request was changed from $449.79 to $299.48 to remove: the ineligible services - Americas CH Email & Data 1000 (non voice features such as data, text etc.) at $27.00 monthly; Americas CH Email & Data 1000 22% discount at $21.00 monthly; Americas CH Email & Data 400(Non Shared) (non voice features such as data, text etc.) at $26.00 monthly; 4G Smart phone Hotspot at $10.00 monthly; 250 Message Allowance at $5.00 monthly; Email & Data Shared (2) (non voice features such as data, text etc.) at $14.00 monthly; Americas Choice SharePlan 400 (non voice features such as data, text etc.) at $7.00 monthly; Text Messaging $0.30 monthly; Mobile Broadband at $40.01 monthly; Unsubstantiated Cost at$150.21 monthly.