FCDL Comment:
MR1:This is a new FRN. It was split from FRN 2199033392.004. The new FRN contains the following product(s)/service(s): Ethernet ||MR2:Based on the review of your member entity(ies), the entity GENEVA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 96302 has closed as a school site. Per program rules, closed entities are not eligible for funding. The entity has been removed from FRN 2199064421.||MR3:Based on the review of your member entity(ies), the entity SUNCREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL96303 has closed as a school site. Per program rules, closed entities are not eligible for funding. The entity has been removed from FRN 2199064421.||MR4:Based on the review of your member entity(ies), the entity POLARIS WEST HIGH SCHOOL17023851 has closed as a school site. Per program rules, closed entities are not eligible for funding. The entity has been removed from FRN 2199064421.||MR5:Based on the review of your member entity(ies), entity 16055347 Meadowbrook Head Start Center has closed as a school site and was removed from the application. The entity has been removed from the FRN 2199064421 Line-Item Number (s) 2199064421.001 as a recipient of service. Since no costs were associated with the entity, no costs were removed. ||MR6:Based on the review of your member entity(ies), entity 16085133 Creekside Head Start Center has closed as a school site and was removed from the application. The entity has been removed from the FRN 2199064421 Line-Item Number (s) 2199064421.001 as a recipient of service. Since no costs were associated with the entity, no costs were removed. ||MR7:DIXIE AREA DETENTION CENTER was determined to be a secondary location of BEN MILLCREEK HIGH SCHOOL 96978, and the entities are considered part of a single school per State law. Since the school district's discount is calculated by using the schools that are a part of the school district and by determining urban or rural status, the main location should be listed as a recipient of service and the additional locations removed. Therefore, your FRN Product and Service Details Line Items on this FRN were modified to remove the secondary location(s) as a recipient of service.