FCDL Comment:
MR1: The category of service was changed from inernal connections to basic maintenance of internal connections in accordance with Program rules. <><><><><> MR2: Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections FRN was modified from non-recurring charges to recurring charges as required by FCC Rules. <><><><><> MR3: The amount of the funding request was changed from $127,834.00 to $126,555.66 to remove: the ineligible product UPS associated with ineligible server functions. <><><><><> DR1: The FCC Form 470 that established the competitive bidding process for this FRN did not include service of this type - Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections; therefore it does not meet the 28 day competitive bidding requirement. <><><><><> DR2: In response to a request for competitive bidding documentation for this FRN, you requested to cancel the FRN. While we acknowledge the cancellation request, the FRN is being denied since we could not determine a fair and open competitive bidding process was conducted with price of the eligible goods and services as the primary factor in the vendor selection process.