FCDL Comment:
MR1: The category of service was changed from Telecomm Services to Internet Access in accordance with Program rules. <><><><><> MR2: Based on the applicant's request, the FRN was modified to reflect the new state master contract service provider AT&T Messaging LLC, SPIN 143033845. The contract number was changed to reflect the new state master contract number CalNet3. The contract award date was modified to 11/15/2013, the contract expiration date was modified to 06/30/2017, and the service start date was modified to 06/01/2014 to reflect the dates in the new state master contract. <><><><><> MR3: In consultation with the applicant, this FRN was split to conduct an independent review of the respective service(s) being provided under the FRN. The new FRN is 2715791. The remaining services in the FRN are voicemail. The entities remaining in the original FRN can be located in the FCC Form 471 Block 4 worksheet number 1531765. <><><><><> MR4: The FRN was modified from $466.70 monthly to $74.48 monthly to agree with the applicant documentation.