FCDL Comment:
DR1:Based on the documentation provided, FRN 2199012677 was denied for failing to demonstrate a valid contract was in place for the requested services. During our review, you provided a contract with a contract expiration date of 06/30/2019 and indicated that these services were extended through 6/30/2021. A request was sent for a copy of the signed extension and also additional documentation that allows for such extensions. You provided a letter from the service provider stating that the service continued on a month-to-month basis from the time the contract ended, 6/30/2019. This does not mitigate the need for a signed extension. It also does not mitigate the need to file a current FCC Form 470 for each funding year anytime you are requesting month-to-month services. Since you failed to demonstrate that a contract was in place at the time of filing your Form 471 and/or that a current Form 470 was posted for the requested services, this FRN must be denied. In addition, since this FRN is a continuation of prior year FRNs 1999001507 and 2099011186, USAC may seek recovery of any improperly disbursed funds.