FCDL Comment:
MR1: The contract expiration date was changed from 06/30/2010 to 02/29/2012 in accordance with RAL request. <><><><><> MR2: The FRN was modified $93,839.44/month to $34,793.61/month to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR3: The dollars requested were reduced to remove the ineligible product(s)/service(s): DEFINITY CALL CENTER RELEASE 8 BASIC 12 AGENT (44 units) for $474.91/month; POWER BYPASS DISTRIBUTION MODULE for $2.68/month; POWERPASS DIST MOD L5-30 (4 units) for $38.11/month; INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT 2.1 STANDARD LIC-CU SR for $0.22/month; MERLIN WHEELOCK HORN WITH 25 FOOT CORD AND HARDWARE for $1.03/month; INTGR MGMT 3.0 ENTERPRISE ENTITLEMENT UPGRADE LIC for $6.73/month; MOH SYSTEM MESSAGNER & PERSONALIZED PROD (2 units) for $4.11/month; Paging Components for $679.34/month; SPEAKERPHONE DCP SOUNDSTATION PREMIUM EX for $11.52/month; WHEELLOCK SWITCH WITH CORD for $0.45/month. <><><><><> MR4: The FRN was modified from $34,793.61/month to $33,574.51/month to agree with the applicant documentation.