FCDL Comment:
MR1:FRN Line Item 2099072976.001 was for UPS, Installation, and Taxes and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Items 2099072976.003 and 2099072976.004 for Installation and Taxes for the amount of $350.00 and $263.67, consecutively. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is UPS for the amount of $2,694.58.FRN Line Item 2099072976.002 was for UPS, Installation, and Taxes and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Items 2099072976.005 and 2099072976.006 for Installation and Taxes for the amount of $1,000.00 and $323.80, consecutively. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is UPS for the amount of $3,089.08.