FCDL Comment:
MR1: The amount of the funding request was changed from $5,996.54 per month to $3,676.04 per month to remove: the ineligible 51% cost allocation for Bundled Data and Voice Plan for $2,320.50. <><><><><> DR:In response to a request for competitive bidding documentation for this FRN, you requested to cancel the FRN. While we acknowledge the cancellation request, the FRN is being denied. Documentation provided during the review demonstrates that the cost of the proposals evaluated during your competitive bidding process included costs of both eligible and ineligible products and services. FCC rules require applicants to carefully consider all bid solutions and choose the most cost effective solution with price of only the eligible products and services being the highest weighted factor in the bid evaluation process. The cost of ineligible products and services can be included in the bid evaluation matrix as long as it is a separate factor and is not included with the eligible portion of the products and services as the primary factor. Because you included the cost of ineligible products and services in your evaluation of the price of each proposal, funding will be denied.