Billed Entity:
Funding Year:
Category of Service:
FCDL Date:
FCDL Comment:
MR1:In consultation with the applicant, 99942 Western High School have been added to FRN 1999056184 Line Item Number .002.||MR2:Based on the applicant's request, 100028 Wengert, Cyril S. Elementary School 's Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity due to an M&C error in the following amounts: 99942 Western High School.||MR3:The funding request amount was reduced from $4,023,935.36 to $3,838,566.76 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entities: 99829 Laughlin High School, 100028 Wengert, Cyril Elementary School, 99818 Goodsprings Elementary School, 99833 McCall, Quannah Elementary School, 99837 Gilbert CVT, 99931 Booker, Kermit R. Elementary School, 99934 Carson, Kit Elementary School, 99808 Burkholder, Lyal Middle School, and 232162 Hollingsworth, Howard E Elementary .||MR4:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.005 were modified from 99791, 99808, 16050580, 100033, 218529, 100001, 224246, 99954, 99931, 99934, 16050581, 99972, 99966, 99940, 16030643, 16040817, 99837, 16040825, 16045668, 99818, 232162, 16050570, 214876, 100043, 100052, 100044, 100010, 99829, 99973, 99831, 100055, 99809, 16045665, 16045664, 16045662, 99833, 16040821, 99848, 232161, 224232, 16040824, 99888, 15457820, 99948, 99806, 100028 to 99791, 99808, 16050580, 100033, 218529, 100001, 224246, 99954, 99931, 99934, 16050581, 99972, 99966, 99940, 16030643, 16040817, 99837, 16040825, 16045668, 99818, 232162, 16050570, 214876, 100043, 100052, 100044, 100010, 99829, 99973, 99831, 100055, 99809, 16045665, 16045664, 16045662, 99833, 16040821, 99848, 232161, 224232, 16040824, 99888, 15457820, 99948, 99806 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR5:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.006 were modified from 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 99818, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 999831, 232162, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 100028, 99833, 99829 to 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 99818, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 999831, 232162, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 100028 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR6:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.007 were modified from 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99837, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 232162, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 99829, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 99808, 100028 to 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99837, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 232162, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 99829, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.008 were modified from 99791, 99931, 16050580, 218529, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 16030643, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 99829, 214876, 100055, 99809, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99806, 99948, 99808 to 99791, 99931, 16050580, 218529, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 16030643, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 99829, 214876, 100055, 99809, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99806, 99948 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR8:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.009 were modified from 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 99818, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 100028, 99829, 232162 to 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 99818, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 100028 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR9:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.010 were modified from 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948, 99829, 100028, 232162 to 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 99934, 100033, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 16030643, 99973, 100010, 99831, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 99833, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 16040821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR10:The Recipients of Service for FRN Line Item 1999056184.011 were modified from 99791, 99806, 99808, 99809, 99829, 99831, 99833, 99837, 99848, 99931, 99934, 99940, 99948, 99954, 99966, 99972, 99973, 100001, 100010, 100028, 100033, 100043, 100044, 100052, 100055, 214876, 218529, 224232, 224246, 232161, 232162, 15457820, 16030643, 16040817, 16040821, 16040824, 16040825, 1604566, 16045664, 16045665, 16045668, 16050570, 16050580, 16050581, 99888 to 99791, 224246, 99931, 16050580, 99808, 218529, 100033, 99954, 100001, 16045668, 16040825, 99966, 99972, 16050581, 16040817, 99940, 99837, 100010, 99831, 232162, 100044, 100052, 100043, 16050570, 214876, 100055, 99809, 232161, 16045662, 1604821, 99848, 16045665, 16045664, 224232, 16040824, 15457820, 99888, 99806, 99948 to agree with the applicant documentation.
Service Start Date (471):
Service Start Date (486):
Committed Amount:
Last Date of Service:
Disbursed Amount:
Payment Mode:
Last Date to Invoice:

Monthly Cost:
Ineligible Monthly Cost:
Months of Service:
Annual Recurring Charges:
One Time Cost:
One Time Ineligible Cost:
Total Cost:
Discount Percent:
Requested Amount: