FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Type of Internal Connection for FRN Line Item 2099082576.001 was modified from Module to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The Type of Product for FRN Line Item 2099082576.001 was modified from Module to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The Type of Internal Connection for FRN Line Item 2099082576.002 was modified from Module to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The Type of Product for FRN Line Item 2099082576.002 was modified from Module to Transceiver to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR5:The Type of Product for FRN Line Item 2099082576.006 was modified from Connectors to Cabling to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR6:The FRN was modified from $310,222.00 to $209,699.45 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:In consultation with the applicant, 91962 Brentwood Elementary School,91965 Burnet Middle School,91923 Covington Middle School,91797 Govalle ES,91945 Graham ES,209013 Hart ES,91855 Jordan ES,91921 Kocurek,91892 Mendez Middle School,91966 Pillow ES,91931 Ridgetop,91805 Sanchez ES,91898 Sunset Valley ES,91944 Walnut Creek ES has been added to FRN 2099082576 Line Item Number (s)2099082576.001,.002,.003,.004,.005,.006,.007,.008,.009.||MR8:In consultation with the applicant, 91886 BAILEY MIDDLE SCHOOL,209010 BARANOFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL,16065703 GORZYCKI MIDDLE SCHOOL,91818 LIVELY MIDDLE SCHOOL has been removed to FRN 2099082576 Line Item Number (s) 2099082576.001,.002,.003,.004,.005,.006,.007,.008,.009..