FCDL Comment:
DR1:The FRN is denied because the applicant failed to respond to the Administrator’s Cost Effectiveness Review Information Request. You did not provide any documentation to determine if the entity met Program rules requirements for cost effectiveness of the product and services requested.||MR1:Modified by SLD Per FCC Order 14-189, to prevent warehousing of excess fiber capacity, applicants may only receive funding for special construction charges for a Self-provisioned network if it constructed and lit within the same funding year. If excess strands are being installed that will not be lit during the current FY and will remain dormant until lit for the applicant’s exclusive future use; the applicant must provide a cost allocation for the cost of the unlit strands. The applicant provided the following cost allocation calculation $1,461.22. During the Fiber Review, it was determined that the calculation should be $1,608.33. Therefore, this FRN has been modified from $10,739.28 to $10,592.17 to account for the fiber strands that will not be lit during this FY.