FCDL Comment:
MR1: Based on the applicant's request, San Antonio Public Library 141541 has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRN's Item 21 and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $52,574.20 to $19,148.22; entity's Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity in the following amounts: Collins Garden Branch Library 90596 at $12,732.32 and Schaefer Branch Library 16085590 at $4,215.90. <><><><><> MR2: The Contract Award Date was changed from 4/16/2015 to 4/15/2015 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471. <><><><><> MR3: Based on the applicant's request, the One-time Eligible Cost of the FRN's Item 21 was changed from $19,148.22 to $4,215.90. <><><><><> DR: This FRN will be denied because the FCC Form 470/RFP that you have cited contains manufacturer specific make and model of products and/or services. This is a competitive bidding violation because it deters a service provider from submitting a bid for equivalent services which may be more cost effective and interferes with the fair and open competitive bidding process required by FCC rules.