FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Recipients of Service was modified to remove Entity # 17013912, 17010567, 17010534, 17009937, 17009936, 16084576, 16084573, 16084572, 16084522, 16079238, 16079237, 16078489, 16078466, 16065829, 16053358, 16052834, 16052831, 16046614, 16038298, 16036986, 16035309, 16026829, 230260, 225643, 225625, 224382, 224367, 204534, 88967, 88813, 88771, 88752, 88655, 88653, 88642, 88640, 88639, 88637, 88620, 88586, 88585, 88584, 88583, 88581, 88580, 88558, 88557, 88555, 88554, 88552, 8551, 88550, 88494, 88472, 88470, 88469, 88467, 88466, 88464, 88463, 88461, 88459, 88458, 88457, 88453, 88452, 88448, 88447, 88446, 88443, 88440, 88439, 88438, 88435, 88434, 88433, 88423, 88419, 88392 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:FRN modified in accordance with a RAL request.||MR3:The Total Number of Strands and Number of Eligible Strands for this FRN was modified from 428 to 4 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The Narrative for FRN was modified in accordance with your RAL request.