FCDL Comment:
DR1:FCC rules require that applicants provide sufficient information with the FCC Form 470 in order for potential vendors to be able to formulate valid service solutions. Specifically, the applicant failed to list any details for Services Over-Third Party Networks within the uploaded RFP(s) and indicated a preference to a specific service type. This FRN is denied because the applicant has not provided sufficient information for potential vendors to evaluate its service needs. ||MR1:The Service Type for FRN Line Item 1999066458.001 was modified from Dark Fiber IRU (Special Construction) to Self-Provisioned Fiber (Special Construction) to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:Per FCC 14-189, a school or library that received E-rate discounts for special construction based on the State/Tribal Match in a specific funding year will be ineligible to receive additional matching funds to the same building from the E-rate program for the next fifteen years. The request for the State/Tribal Match on this FRN was removed because entities NORTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, EAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and SOUTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL have received matching funds from the E-rate program in FY 2018. As a result, this FRN has been modified from 90% to 80%. ||MR3:The Contract Award Date was changed from 3/25/2019 to 3/26/2019 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471.