FCDL Comment:
MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $8,128.00; $5,664.00; $7,770.00; $4,607.00; $49,728.00; $1,008.00; $4,626.00; $7,676.00 to $8,128.00; $5,664.00; $7,770.00; $967.44; $49,728.00; $1,008.00; $4,626.00; $7,676.00 to remove percentage ineligible from Aruba U4UN6E as this has 21% eligibility. ||MR2:The product type for FRN Line Item 1999030067.004 was modified from Software-Operating System Software of Eligible Equipment to Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration to agree with the applicant documentation.