FCDL Comment:
MR1:The FRN 2099047832.047 was modified from $23,026.50 to $0,0 to to reduce cost associated with entity Glen Oak Primary School.||MR2:The FRN 2099047832.048 was modified from $18,421.20 to $13,815.90 to to reduce cost associated with entity Glen Oak Primary School..||MR3:The FRN 2099047832.050 was modified from $2,226.08 to $0.0 to to reduce cost associated with entity Glen Oak Primary School.||MR4:The FRN 2099047832.052 was modified from $21,082.28 to $0.0 to to reduce cost associated with entity Glen Oak Primary School.||MR5:The FRN 2099047832.205 was modified from $8036.45 to $7813.45 to to reduce cost associated with entity Thomas Jefferson Primary School.||MR6:The FRN 2099047832.276 was modified from $49.40 to $34.20 OTC to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:The Product Type for all FRN Line Items where 2960S and 2960-X Stack referenced was modified from Switch and Cabling\Connectors to Module to agree with the applicant documentation. ||MR8:The amount of the funding request was changed from $985,800.12 to $985,765.92 remove the ineligible products or services: License L-MGMT3X-PI-BASE $36.20 .