FCDL Comment:
MR1: The Contract Award Date was changed from 12/12/05 to 2/10/06 to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR2: The dollars requested were reduced from $23,450,295.60 to $23,234,132.72 to remove cost associated with entities Doolittle Inter & Upper School(entity # 70246) violating the 2-in-5 Rule for IC. <><><><><> MR3: The dollars requested were reduced to remove: {the ineligible product(s)/service(s) ineligible equipment columns from Exhibit B - $123,000.30 and $267,000}. <><><><><> MR4: The FRN was modified from $23,234,132.72 to $22,844,132.42 to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR5: The applicant's request to revise block 4 of the 471 application could not be processed because the request was not received within the required 15-day timeframe for receiving clerical and ministerial error corrections as stated in the FCC's Bishop Perry Order (FCC 06-54). As a result of the request being made outside of the allowable time, the discount will remain at 87%.