FCDL Comment:
DR1:The Category Two budget for BEN 68797 is $78,022.50. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 68797 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $3,505.27. The Category Two budget for BEN 68791 is $129,532.50. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 68791 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $3,338.74. The Category Two budget for BEN 68724 is $100,596. Your total requested Category Two pre-discount funding amount for BEN 68724 exceeds this entity’s Category Two Budget by: $2,593.21. This funding request is being denied because you have not authorized sufficient modifications to the Category Two funding requests to bring this BEN within its allowable Category Two budget. ||MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $74,002.20 to $72,747.93 to remove the ineligible entity: Central School Program 68779.||MR2:Based on the applicant’s request, Abbott Jr HS 68797, Canton Jr HS 68724, and Eastview MS 68691 have been removed from the Recipients of Services on the FRN’s Item 21 and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $72,747.93 to $68,985.11.