FCDL Comment:
MR1:The FRN was modified from $6,150/mo to $9,727.83/mo to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $9,727.83/mo to $4,160.24/mo to remove the ineligible service(s):1000 Message Allowance $10; 4G Smartphone Hotspot $260; Caller Name ID $14.95; Camera $0.99; Data $1.99; Data Package/2GB $30; Email & Web Unlimited $154.74; Equipment $126.23; Messaging $79.17; Mobile Broadband Unlimited $722.21; MW BUS Data SHR 500MG $20; NW 4G Global 400 SHR $32.87; NW Basic SharePlan 400 $14; NW BUS Data SHR 2GB $23.70; NW BUS Data SHR 500MB $20; NW Business Share Add'l Line $630; NW Email & Data 400 $3,385.61; Prior Month Charges $4.84; TXT MSF 300 $25.99; VZ Navigator $9.99.