Billed Entity:
Funding Year:
Category of Service:
FCDL Date:
FCDL Comment:
MR1:The Product Type for FRN Line Item 2099049010.002 was modified from Cabling to Racks and cabinets to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The Product Type for FRN Line Item 2099049010.003 was modified from Cabling to Connectors to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The Product Type for FRN Line Item 2099049010.004 was modified from Cabling to Miscellaneous Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The Total FRN Line item Cost for FRN Line Item 2099049010.001 was modified from $1,723.67 to $3,115.50 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR5:The Total FRN Line item Cost for FRN Line Item 2099049010.002 was modified from $1,601.26 to$1,712.84 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR6:The Total FRN Line item Cost for FRN Line Item 2099049010.003 was modified from $7,591.71 to $4,086.44 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:The Total FRN Line item Cost for FRN Line Item 2099049010.004 was modified from $5,090.91 to $19,054.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR8:The Total FRN Line item Cost for FRN Line Item 2099049010.005 was modified from $4,880.67 to 0.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR9:In consultation with the applicant, MINFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has been added to FRN 2099049010 Line Item Number (s) .002 and .003.||MR10:In consultation with the applicant, MINFORD HIGH SCHOOL has been added to FRN 2099049010 Line Item Number (s) .003 and .004.||MR11:In consultation with the applicant, MINFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL has been added to FRN 2099049010 Line Item Number (s) .002 and .004.||MR12:FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 was for both Cabling and Racks & Cabinets and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Racks & Cabinets is 2099049010.002 for the amount of $1,712.84. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 is Cabling for the amount of $3,115.50. ||MR13:FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 was for both Cabling and Connectors and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Connectors is #2099049010.003 for the amount of $4,086.44. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 is Cabling for the amount of $3,115.50. ||MR14:FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 was for both Cabling and Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration is 2099049010.004 for the amount of $19,054.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item #2099049010.001 is Cabling for the amount of $3,115.50. ||MR15:The funding request amount was reduced from $27,970.48 to $27,968.78 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity: 50653 MINFORD HIGH SCHOOL.||MR16:Based on the applicant's request, MINFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 50652 Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity(ies) due to an M&C error in the following amounts: from $3,810.00 to $7,310.80||MR17:Based on the applicant's request, MINFORD HIGH SCHOOL - 50653 Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity(ies) due to an M&C error in the following amounts: from $9,527.00 to $2,527.00||MR18:Based on the applicant's request, MINFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL - 50654 Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity(ies) due to an M&C error in the following amounts: from $5,716.20 to $9,216.20
Service Start Date (471):
Service Start Date (486):
Committed Amount:
Last Date of Service:
Disbursed Amount:
Payment Mode:
Last Date to Invoice:

Monthly Cost:
Ineligible Monthly Cost:
Months of Service:
Annual Recurring Charges:
One Time Cost:
One Time Ineligible Cost:
Total Cost:
Discount Percent:
Requested Amount: