FCDL Comment:
DR1:This FRN is associated with FRN 2099073564. FRN 2099073564 is denied because the documentation provided demonstrates that the price of the eligible products and services was not the primary factor in bid evaluation and the vendor selection and because the documentation provided failed to demonstrate that the applicant conducted a comprehensive cost analysis of Dark Fiber and Leased Lit Fiber during the bid selection process. This FRN requests Fiber Maintenance and Operations associated with the denied FRN. Therefore, this FRN is also denied.||MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $76,950 to $2,462.40 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): CON-5SNT-C9606R (84% ineligible) - $64,638 and CON-5SNT-C9606R (4 years) - $9,849.60.