FCDL Comment:
MR1: The dollars requested were reduced from $32,688.13/month to $32,603.01/month to remove costs associated with Pre-K and Head Start students and services for the following entities: CATOMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, E. D. NIXON ELEMENTARY. <><><><><> MR2: In consultation with the applicant, this FRN was split to conduct an independent review of the respective product(s)/service(s) being provided under the FRN. The new FRN is 2241875. The remaining services in the FRN are 200 Mbps internet access. The entities remaining in the original FRN can be located in the Form 471 Block 4 worksheet number 1339228. <><><><><> MR3: The amount of the funding request was changed from $32,603.01/month to $17,791.55/month to remove the ineligible product(s)/service(s): unbundled Firewall Service for $14,811.46/month.