FCDL Comment:
MR1:Based on the applicant's request, SARA SCOTT HARLLEE MIDDLE SCHOOL's Category Two Cost-Allocation was re-allocated to the following entity(ies) due to an M&C error in the following amounts: 17024383 - Lincoln Memorial Academy for $2,400.||MR2:Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections FRN was modified from non-recurring charges to recurring charges as required by FCC Rules.||MR3:The funding request amount was reduced from $5,760 to $3,744 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): 38399 - SARA SCOTT HARLLEE MIDDLE SCHOOL.||MR4:FRN modified in accordance with a RAL request.||MR5:17024383 - Lincoln Memorial Academy has been added to the FRN as a recipients of service for Line Item .001 at the request of the applicant.